Mein Kampf

MEIN KAMPF ist die Geschichte der Wandlung eines jungen Provinzlers in das Monstrum HITLER. Der kluge, schlitzohrige Buchhändler Schlomo Herzl nimmt sich 1910 in Wien des jungen, despotischen, untalentierten Zeichners Hitler an, unterstützt ihn wie ein Vater seinen Sohn und bereitet ihm den Weg in die Politik. Eine, wie sich herausstellen soll, fatale Entwicklung für die Weltgeschichte.

When Hitler left his Austrian hometown aiming to conquer the world as a famous painter he had not yet anything in common with the later dictator HITLER. As a young artist he wants to prove his talent at the ‚Academy of Art’ in Vienna. Hitler rents himself a room in the Leichengasse and waits for his big day to arrive. He shares his room with two Jewish men: the book-seller Schlomo Herzl and Lobkowitz, a cook. Like him Schlomo Herzl wants to prove his talent as an artist – his aim is to write his own book. Schlomo choses ‚Mein Leben’ as title for his book but is rejected by his friend Lobkowitz. Lobkowitz, who takes himself for God and who actually possesses spiritual powers considers the title a bad choice. They come up with a new one: ‚Mein Kampf’. Hitler is very enthusiastic about it ...

Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf